Well Christmas has been and gone, and so has all the hardwork involved in that. Whew! So now I am trying very hard to get back into the sewing thing. I've had weeks off and I'm totally out of the habit. Yesterday however was exciting, the lovely husband and I put all the tables and chairs together and cleaned out the family room, so I could set up my NEW TEACHING AREA! I bought all the stuff before Christmas and it's been packed away, and while I've been busy promoting the classes and signing people up, plus all the paperwork, it wasn't until we setup the room yesterday, that it all became REAL.
I kept thinking about my teaching days many years ago in Melbourne........and a little smile came over my face as I set up the lamps and ironing boards.......
..............I loved teaching, I loved the 'ah ha!" moments, the happy table conversations, the sense of achievement you could see on peoples faces, the friendships formed.
The lovely husband has made a few comments,( I think designed to cushion possible disappointment) but I am still smiling inside, that 'knowing' kind of smile....been here...done that...it'll be OK. ( fingers crossed) :O)
Can't wait for Feb 16th!!