Welcome to my blog :O) I create bags and quilts!

Monday 14 January 2013

New Year, New Beginning!

Well Christmas has been and gone, and so has all the hardwork involved in that. Whew! So now I am trying very hard to get back into the sewing thing. I've had weeks off and I'm totally out of the habit. Yesterday however was exciting, the lovely husband and I put all the tables and chairs together and cleaned out the family room, so I could set up my NEW TEACHING AREA! I bought all the stuff before Christmas and it's been packed away, and while I've been busy promoting the classes and signing people up, plus all the paperwork, it wasn't until we setup the room yesterday, that it all became REAL.
I kept thinking about my teaching days many years ago in Melbourne........and a little smile came over my face as I set up the lamps and ironing boards.......
..............I loved teaching, I loved the 'ah ha!" moments, the happy table conversations, the sense of achievement you could see on peoples faces, the friendships formed.
The lovely husband has made a few comments,( I think designed to cushion possible disappointment) but I am still smiling inside, that 'knowing' kind of smile....been here...done that...it'll be OK. ( fingers crossed)  :O)
Can't wait for Feb 16th!!

Sunday 29 April 2012

Ah sunday! and the tourists are back in the Ville  :O)  Much better market and appreciative shoppers. So I guess the holiday is over which is great, but I could still be called for jury service, which would be bad now that I really need to produce more bags. Can't win. Fabric is calling me.....and my little girls will be waiting for me Monday. They are so excited to be making things. I just have to keep ahead of them with projects. Not an easy task when everything I do is beyond their skills sets. What I think is easy, is not for them. So you go back to the basic idea, remove all the extra's ( the interesting bits) and then try and make it interesting again, with things they CAN achieve. It gets complicated. The housework is falling behind again ( as if it was ever up to date), and my tidied sewing room looks like a bomb has gone off. Why does housework NEVER last longer than 5 mins????

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Technically challenged

Today I managed to stall my facebook page on the 'smart' phone and when I couldn't remember the log in for here I managed to create a new blog, or at least I think I did. I am technically not having a great day....    :O(

Wednesday 18 January 2012

I think I've 'failed' blogging lol

Well I'm never going to be a blogger, not a regular one, anyway. Just returned from Canberra where I went to the Old Bus Depot craft market ( wonderful) and Canberra Handmade shop ( devine ) I also visited Addicted to Fabric and picked up some great books on bagmaking.
This has been my first year at Cotters Market and being back in the 'creating' world. It's gone rather well and I'm on track to being where I want to be, but I need another 'boost' to start the year, just not sure what.
Just after Christmas I had a BIG move into larger quarters here at home. It's wonderful!! More room to work, more storage and a view of the street! I had no idea there was so much traffic in our little street. And then there's the breeze in the front window, and the sounds of the water feature! Bliss.............

Friday 1 July 2011

Home Alone

Well it's been 5 days, and I'm about over being home alone lol I have done a lot of sewing, eaten when and what I want, infact I haven't cooked anything but toast! I've even had the time to develope what may be my best bag so far!!!!! Anyway, I have a week off coming up as some friends from Melbourne are about to join us, so I had better keep on sewing!

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Cotters Market!

Well, I have had my first market with my NEW Gazebo!!. Decorated with nearly 9 metres of fabric bunting, I think it looked great  :O) Thankyou for the compliments on my work! It really helps to know I am on track for what people want.
Worked my butt off last week making stock and loving using my new fabrics, yum yum!!
Time to get to work again. Thanks to my lovely husband who always encourages and aides me each week in the setting up and taking down of my stall. A big thankyou to him as he has agreed to 'man' my stall when I go to Mossman later in the month to assist my quilting teacher at a craft weekend.  :O) xxx

Monday 18 April 2011

Melbourne Trip

Well what a jam packed 5 days back in Melbourne!! It included two trips to the Australasian Quilt  show, the Tutenkamen exhibition, the Disney 'Dreams come true' exhibition, sightseeing in the lanes and a gothic bank, dinner out almost every night, shopping in Ikea, Myer and other stores, catchup with family, friends and my youngest daughter and her partner!! I have blisters to prove all of this but had a wonderful wonderful time and have brought back lots of ideas for bags and trims!! Exhausted?? who me?? lol yep!